杨老师,应用语言学硕士,在美国从事中文教学二十年,自编大量中文教案和课后练习。多年教授各类中文应试课程,包括AP中文、HSK、高中中文分级考试(High School Chinese Level Placement Test)等等,帮助许多学生取得满意的好成绩,非常多的学生参加AP中文考试取得5分的优异成绩,得到很多学生的喜爱和家长的推荐。
Teacher Yang holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics and has many years of experience teaching AP Chinese. Teacher Yang has successfully helped many students achieve a perfect score of 5 on their exams and comes highly recommended by parents.
The AP Chinese Exam covers listening, speaking, reading, writing, and Chinese culture. It assesses not only knowledge of Chinese culture but also students' ability to use language and cultural understanding in everyday communication. Each section—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—accounts for 25% of the total score. The listening and reading sections consist of multiple-choice questions. The writing section includes a story narration based on a series of images and a reply to an email, both completed within 30 minutes. The speaking section includes simulated conversations and a cultural presentation. The AP Chinese exam duration is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Week 1 课后阅读 上下五千年 (pdf)
DownloadWeek 2 课后阅读 孔子与儒家思想 (pdf)
DownloadWeek 3 课后阅读 孙子与《孙子兵法》 (pdf)
DownloadWeek 4 课后阅读 中国书法 (pdf)
DownloadWeek 5 课后阅读 画龙点睛 (pdf)
DownloadWeek 6 课后阅读 《西游记》简介 (pdf)
DownloadWeek 7 课后阅读 草船借箭 (pdf)
Download去北京旅游 (pdf)
Download我们开学啦(不带拼音的阅读理解) (pdf)
Download狐假虎威(带拼音的成语阅读理解) (pdf)
Download空城计(带拼音的阅读) (pdf)
Download草船借箭(不带拼音) (pdf)
Download赤壁之战(带拼音的阅读) (pdf)
DownloadAP阅读(1)我的家 (pdf)
DownloadAP阅读(2)美国高中校园生活 (pdf)
DownloadDolphin Education Inc.